Safety Culture Toolkit

The Safety Culture Toolkit is a set of tools that provide our members with a pathway to develop a strong and sustainable safety culture designed to prevent harm to our frontline workforce.


Phase 1 of the Toolkit has been released in March 2024, and tools, implementation and supporting materials will be added to the Toolkit as they are developed throughout 2024.

Our Safety Culture Toolkit will provide our members with the tools to measure, assess and improve workplace culture.  Used in isolation or collectively, adoption and deployment of these tools will strengthen your organisation’s safety culture by embedding and adopting consistent language, behaviours and commitments to drive measurable improvement.


Culture is the set of attitudes, values, beliefs and habits that drive our individual decision making and behaviours.

At Safer Together, we have the belief that if we work together across industry, we can create an industry safety culture that seeks to prevent harm to our frontline workforce - a culture that fosters a psychologically safe workplace, in which it is ‘safe to fail’.  We have the willingness and courage to aim for a culture of chronic unease that goes well beyond compliance by adopting an open approach.

As members working together, we have defined what our preferred safety culture looks like in practice as it relates to the behaviour we see from everyone in our industry - this is the core of our Safety Culture Framework.

Safety Culture Framework

Safety Culture Framework (link)

Our Safety Culture Framework defines our approach to physical and psychological safety in our unique work environment.  It sets out the behaviours we expect to see in a safety culture at the level of maturity needed to prevent harm to our frontline workforce.  It supports a variety of activities including assessment and understanding of expected behaviours. 

The Framework describes what excellence looks like with respect to safety culture and has been developed by taking consideration of our industry's health and safety goals and aspirations, as well as the observations and recommendations of employees.


Communication Behaviours

The behaviours are linked by four key themes: Standards, Communication, Risk Management, and Involvement. They apply for three main groups across the workforce, ‘Everyone’, ‘Supervisors’ and ‘Managers’.

While it is important for everyone to adopt the ‘Everyone’ set of behaviours, it is equally crucial for Supervisors and Managers to embody leadership behaviours as well.

The reflective questions are designed to add a depth of understanding to standard behaviours.  The questions help contextualise the behaviour statement (i.e., “What gets in my way of stopping work or reporting issues?”) within the local and personal environment of the user, allowing a user to identify any discrepancy between their current way of behaving and the superior behaviour in a motivating way.

The Safety Culture Framework will support you in a variety of activities, such as assessing your own behaviour and understanding what is expected of you and others.

Safety Culture is more than just a set of rules – it’s a way of life. It’s what we do, and it’s what drives our success in both safety and business performance.

Members can download the Safety Culture Framework artwork to arrange their own printing (or print in-house) here.

Members can arrange printing externally here (via a link to an external provider).

Safety Culture Survey

An engagement tool to assess and measure safety culture maturity and identify pathways and tools for focus and improvement.

For more information on the Safety Culture Toolkit, email:  [email protected]

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